jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

The landscape collector


Castilla Fields 

      Campos de Soria (A. Machado - 1912)

      He vuelto a ver los álamos dorados,
      álamos del camino en la ribera…

      Estos chopos del río, que acompañan
      con el sonido de sus hojas secas
      el son del agua cuando el viento sopla…

      Álamos del amor que ayer tuvisteis
      de ruiseñores vuestras ramas llenas;
      álamos que seréis mañana liras
      del viento perfumado en primavera…


       I have seen the golden aspens,                              Aspens of love that yesterday had 
       road aspens on the banks ...                                  branches full of nightingales;
                                                                                     Aspens that tomorrow will be lyres 
       These river poplars, accompanying                        of scented wind in spring ...
       with the sound of their dried leaves 
       the sound of water when the wind blows...                                           (A. Machado 1912)

Aspen are still golden south of the spanish Central Mountain Range, awaiting for their drying leaves to carpet the ground... 
Dazzling yellow under the late fall sunset light, the leaves masses have not ever got unnoticed, and have indeed brilliantly been described by those gifted to sing their beauty... 

Cranes are back on the fly...

This is the right time to hear the call of the passing cranes... 

A familiar sound that gives sight of yearly friendly visitors.
Cranes are flying back to their Extremadura winter fields...

Gathering from all over northern Europe, they have been winter visitors far before german, finland or russian holidayers... 

Their feeding fields are already full of nutritious accorns, which soon will they be pasturing under the fog and the frost.

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