“Shooting birds on the fly”… Take them very quickly, at the mercy of inspiration, without stopping to think, without hesitation or effort.
While driving slowly on a dirt-track, all of a sudden..., I notice something moving on the fallow fields... Pin-tailed sandgrouses (gangas)...
Binoculars are always at hand, so I quickly see a group of these beautiful birds, walking around, pecking grains and insects... two males and a few females...
Less rare than black-bellied sandgrouse (Ortega), still, in Europe this bird can virtually only be seen in Spain.
A brief but rewarding session of photographs through the car window, before both: birds and I, continue with our tasks...
A male and a female, easy to identify through their back feather design.
Se usa la expresión a vuelapluma, que indica que algo se hace deprisa y sin pensar:
...me sentí inspirado, cogí la cámara y fotografíe estas Gangas a vuelapluma...
Las gangas no son tan raras como las Ortegas (verdaderamente difíciles de ver) y aún así son aves esteparias cada vez menos comunes...
las suelo ver bebiendo en verano en los charcones de algunas lagunas manchegas... por ejemplo en Pedro Muñoz...
Second picture: a male, down and a female, up...
Third picture: a male with two females...
Fourth picture: again two males...
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