viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

The landscape collector


Canal de Castilla (Palencia - Spain)

Nature, technology and art, the Castillian XVIII's century Man Made River year round seduction emphasizes when nature provides for hibernation.. 

Wildlife manifests in any corner any spot, any time: a heron, a mallard, a kingfisher...

Saja (Cantabria - Spain)

February dry freezing cold nights are followed by clear days in the northern Cantabrian valleys... Frosty are meadows and puddles are frozen, crunching beneath our feet. Patches of snow remain from the last snowfall. 

Winter path under the bare trees, beeches and oaks...  

The goshawk, disturbed in his perch, watches us with discretion, with cupped feathers to keep warm, while waiting for the day to heat up and start his feeding hunt.

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