Bosque dorado

La naturaleza se ha pintado con una variada paleta de elevados contrastes. El telón montañoso se ha cubierto con el manto blanco de la primera nevada y, bajo el negro cielo por el que corre el temporal, las hojas, doradas, naranjas y rojizas brillan con el rayo de sol que se cuela entre las nubes.
Este es un tiempo que marca un fin de ciclo. Decaimiento. La naturaleza se desnuda de exuberancias y se apresta a acostarse ante el cercano invierno. Recogimiento. Los días se están acortando y pronto las tardes serán breves y propensas a un corto paseo y a pasarlas junto a la chimenea.
After the canicular lethargy of the endless summer and opposed to its the blinding, monotonous pale skies... the month of November has brought vivifying rains, and an already cold air that bites in the Skin… A renewal on all orders.
Nature has been painted with a varied palette of high contrasts. The mountain backdrop has been covered with the white blanket of the first snowfall and under the black sky through which the storm runs, the golden, orange and reddish leaves shine with the ray of sun that sneaks through the clouds.
This is a time that marks an end of cycle. Decay. Nature is stripped of exuberance and ready to sleep down in the near winter. Insight The days are shortening and soon the evenings will be brief and prone to a short walk and to pass them by the fireplace.
Nature has been painted with a varied palette of high contrasts. The mountain backdrop has been covered with the white blanket of the first snowfall and under the black sky through which the storm runs, the golden, orange and reddish leaves shine with the ray of sun that sneaks through the clouds.
This is a time that marks an end of cycle. Decay. Nature is stripped of exuberance and ready to sleep down in the near winter. Insight The days are shortening and soon the evenings will be brief and prone to a short walk and to pass them by the fireplace.
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