I have recently been in the heights of the Guadarrama National Park, looking for the beautiful butterfly Graellsia Isabellae... A creature that lives only a few days ... those necessary to procreate and ensure that she and her offspring in successive years continue beautifying, briefly, her world ... and ours.
A world that in
Graellsia’s case is so static, in which nothing changes, nothing happens,
everything is the same, it is always night ... or it is always summer, and
there are always stars in the sky...
Our own
life lasts, say, hopefully, eighty years. During that time things do happen, days follow
nights, seasons and even some geological phenomena occur, but nothing radical.
The Guadarrama range was there when I was born and there will be when I die.
The Himalayas continue their ascent and the Strait of Gibraltar is closing, but
I've been watching it from Tarifa time and time again, and have not noticed any
difference ....
Everest massif from the air..., Lhotse, Cho-Oyu, Makalu...
time corresponding to geological time develops with a slowness that, unlike not
just historical time, but own-self time, rather than making seconds, minutes or
days to be important, years, centuries and millennia are important.
Earth life resumed in 24 hours

Geology, to the extent that it is a historical science, has in the "time" one of its basic concepts. Its presence is more or less explicit, in the treatment of all geological processes and arguably to have a basic understanding of the science claims to have built the concept of geological time.
Therefore, the importance that the Geological Time subject has in the internal logic of the geological science, along with its difficult conceptualization, justifies its didactic interest. However, didactic treatment of the geologic time is often limited to addressing the difficulty, evident on the other hand, that mental representation offers of such unimaginably great times..
Indeed, the difficulties of magnitude hinder or prevent the construction of the concept of geological time, particularly :
The " imaginative barrier " or difficulty to mentally represent such enormous magnitudes as those involved in geologic time and,
The slowness, considered from a human time scale, of most occurring geological processes
additional difficulties have to do with the huge spatial and not only temporary
scales involved in many of the geological processes, inaccessibility to which
these processes occur, the temporal distance between cause and effect and its
uniqueness and impossibility to be reproduced in the laboratory.
Strait of Gibraltar as seen from spanish side
time is but a portion of physical time, the last 4,550 million years, where it
makes no sense speaking of the first as a qualitatively different concept from
the second.
Ordesa glacial valley, in the Pyrenees (Spain)
construction of the concept of geological time, to understand the magnitude of
the numbers involved, requires first to associate a concept of change. If the
Earth is constantly changing, each geological period is likely to be
characterized as distinct from the earlier and later.
In addition, in order to reconstruct the past of the Earth it is not only necessary that changes have occurred but it is essential that terrestrial dynamics have left some kind of remains or evidence of those changes.
In addition, in order to reconstruct the past of the Earth it is not only necessary that changes have occurred but it is essential that terrestrial dynamics have left some kind of remains or evidence of those changes.

Genesis was resorting to the more necessary because it lacked alternative. It is not so surprising Archbishop James Ussher dating the creation of the world at 9 pm on October 23 4004 BC.
In the
nineteenth century Buffon estimated the time needed to consolidate the planet
117,000 years, while the total time to get the current temperature would be
three million years ... These numbers may seem ridiculous now, but eventually
meant a long shot that broke the barrier set by the still dominant biblical
chronology and, above all, meant that the age of the Earth could be
scientifically calculated.
In the
second half of the nineteenth century a number of proposals would happen that
aimed to put figures to the age of the Earth. One was due to Darwin, who
attributed the age of 300 million years in southeast England, this being taken by
others as the "new standard" on the age of the Earth.
But the
most influential of these in the second half of the nineteenth century was due
to Lord Kelvin, who started from the hypothesis of a land formed by the
collision of meteorites that as a result of these impacts, should have been found
melted in full.
From then until now, the planet would have been continually losing heat. In 1868, after some less precise proposals for the Earth he established an approximate age of 100 million years. This figure remained a point of reference for the rest of the century.
From then until now, the planet would have been continually losing heat. In 1868, after some less precise proposals for the Earth he established an approximate age of 100 million years. This figure remained a point of reference for the rest of the century.
Sorrosal cascade spot, Huesca (Spain)
We will not
extend here in the further evolution of earth sciences, currently however the
age considered for the Earth is more than 4500 million years. That would be
today the length of Geological Time for our planet.